
1/// The size of a type.
2#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
4pub enum Size {
5    U8,
6    U16,
7    U32,
8    U64,
11impl Size {
12    /// Return the number of bits this `Size` represents.
13    pub fn bits(self) -> u8 {
14        use Size::*;
16        match self {
17            U8 => 8,
18            U16 => 16,
19            U32 => 32,
20            U64 => 64,
21        }
22    }
24    /// Return the number of bytes in a size.
25    ///
26    /// A byte is assumed to be 8 bits.
27    pub fn bytes(self) -> u8 {
28        use Size::*;
30        match self {
31            U8 => 1,
32            U16 => 2,
33            U32 => 4,
34            U64 => 8,
35        }
36    }
39/// The C data model used on a target.
41/// See also
42#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
43#[cfg_attr(feature = "rust_1_40", non_exhaustive)]
44pub enum CDataModel {
45    /// The data model used most commonly on Win16. `long` and `pointer` are 32 bits.
46    LP32,
47    /// The data model used most commonly on Win32 and 32-bit Unix systems.
48    ///
49    /// `int`, `long`, and `pointer` are all 32 bits.
50    ILP32,
51    /// The data model used most commonly on Win64
52    ///
53    /// `long long`, and `pointer` are 64 bits.
54    LLP64,
55    /// The data model used most commonly on 64-bit Unix systems
56    ///
57    /// `long`, and `pointer` are 64 bits.
58    LP64,
59    /// A rare data model used on early 64-bit Unix systems
60    ///
61    /// `int`, `long`, and `pointer` are all 64 bits.
62    ILP64,
65impl CDataModel {
66    /// The width of a pointer (in the default address space).
67    pub fn pointer_width(self) -> Size {
68        use CDataModel::*;
70        match self {
71            LP32 | ILP32 => Size::U32,
72            LLP64 | LP64 | ILP64 => Size::U64,
73        }
74    }
75    /// The size of a C `short`. This is required to be at least 16 bits.
76    pub fn short_size(self) -> Size {
77        use CDataModel::*;
79        match self {
80            LP32 | ILP32 | LLP64 | LP64 | ILP64 => Size::U16,
81        }
82    }
83    /// The size of a C `int`. This is required to be at least 16 bits.
84    pub fn int_size(self) -> Size {
85        use CDataModel::*;
87        match self {
88            LP32 => Size::U16,
89            ILP32 | LLP64 | LP64 | ILP64 => Size::U32,
90        }
91    }
92    /// The size of a C `long`. This is required to be at least 32 bits.
93    pub fn long_size(self) -> Size {
94        use CDataModel::*;
96        match self {
97            LP32 | ILP32 | LLP64 | ILP64 => Size::U32,
98            LP64 => Size::U64,
99        }
100    }
101    /// The size of a C `long long`. This is required (in C99+) to be at least 64 bits.
102    pub fn long_long_size(self) -> Size {
103        use CDataModel::*;
105        match self {
106            LP32 | ILP32 | LLP64 | ILP64 | LP64 => Size::U64,
107        }
108    }
109    /// The size of a C `float`.
110    pub fn float_size(self) -> Size {
111        // TODO: this is probably wrong on at least one architecture
112        Size::U32
113    }
114    /// The size of a C `double`.
115    pub fn double_size(self) -> Size {
116        // TODO: this is probably wrong on at least one architecture
117        Size::U64
118    }