
1//! When serializing or deserializing JSON goes wrong.
3use crate::io;
4use alloc::boxed::Box;
5use alloc::string::{String, ToString};
6use core::fmt::{self, Debug, Display};
7use core::result;
8use core::str::FromStr;
9use serde::{de, ser};
10#[cfg(feature = "std")]
11use std::error;
12#[cfg(feature = "std")]
13use std::io::ErrorKind;
15/// This type represents all possible errors that can occur when serializing or
16/// deserializing JSON data.
17pub struct Error {
18    /// This `Box` allows us to keep the size of `Error` as small as possible. A
19    /// larger `Error` type was substantially slower due to all the functions
20    /// that pass around `Result<T, Error>`.
21    err: Box<ErrorImpl>,
24/// Alias for a `Result` with the error type `serde_json::Error`.
25pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;
27impl Error {
28    /// One-based line number at which the error was detected.
29    ///
30    /// Characters in the first line of the input (before the first newline
31    /// character) are in line 1.
32    pub fn line(&self) -> usize {
33        self.err.line
34    }
36    /// One-based column number at which the error was detected.
37    ///
38    /// The first character in the input and any characters immediately
39    /// following a newline character are in column 1.
40    ///
41    /// Note that errors may occur in column 0, for example if a read from an
42    /// I/O stream fails immediately following a previously read newline
43    /// character.
44    pub fn column(&self) -> usize {
45        self.err.column
46    }
48    /// Categorizes the cause of this error.
49    ///
50    /// - `Category::Io` - failure to read or write bytes on an I/O stream
51    /// - `Category::Syntax` - input that is not syntactically valid JSON
52    /// - `Category::Data` - input data that is semantically incorrect
53    /// - `Category::Eof` - unexpected end of the input data
54    pub fn classify(&self) -> Category {
55        match self.err.code {
56            ErrorCode::Message(_) => Category::Data,
57            ErrorCode::Io(_) => Category::Io,
58            ErrorCode::EofWhileParsingList
59            | ErrorCode::EofWhileParsingObject
60            | ErrorCode::EofWhileParsingString
61            | ErrorCode::EofWhileParsingValue => Category::Eof,
62            ErrorCode::ExpectedColon
63            | ErrorCode::ExpectedListCommaOrEnd
64            | ErrorCode::ExpectedObjectCommaOrEnd
65            | ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeIdent
66            | ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeValue
67            | ErrorCode::ExpectedDoubleQuote
68            | ErrorCode::InvalidEscape
69            | ErrorCode::InvalidNumber
70            | ErrorCode::NumberOutOfRange
71            | ErrorCode::InvalidUnicodeCodePoint
72            | ErrorCode::ControlCharacterWhileParsingString
73            | ErrorCode::KeyMustBeAString
74            | ErrorCode::ExpectedNumericKey
75            | ErrorCode::FloatKeyMustBeFinite
76            | ErrorCode::LoneLeadingSurrogateInHexEscape
77            | ErrorCode::TrailingComma
78            | ErrorCode::TrailingCharacters
79            | ErrorCode::UnexpectedEndOfHexEscape
80            | ErrorCode::RecursionLimitExceeded => Category::Syntax,
81        }
82    }
84    /// Returns true if this error was caused by a failure to read or write
85    /// bytes on an I/O stream.
86    pub fn is_io(&self) -> bool {
87        self.classify() == Category::Io
88    }
90    /// Returns true if this error was caused by input that was not
91    /// syntactically valid JSON.
92    pub fn is_syntax(&self) -> bool {
93        self.classify() == Category::Syntax
94    }
96    /// Returns true if this error was caused by input data that was
97    /// semantically incorrect.
98    ///
99    /// For example, JSON containing a number is semantically incorrect when the
100    /// type being deserialized into holds a String.
101    pub fn is_data(&self) -> bool {
102        self.classify() == Category::Data
103    }
105    /// Returns true if this error was caused by prematurely reaching the end of
106    /// the input data.
107    ///
108    /// Callers that process streaming input may be interested in retrying the
109    /// deserialization once more data is available.
110    pub fn is_eof(&self) -> bool {
111        self.classify() == Category::Eof
112    }
114    /// The kind reported by the underlying standard library I/O error, if this
115    /// error was caused by a failure to read or write bytes on an I/O stream.
116    ///
117    /// # Example
118    ///
119    /// ```
120    /// use serde_json::Value;
121    /// use std::io::{self, ErrorKind, Read};
122    /// use std::process;
123    ///
124    /// struct ReaderThatWillTimeOut<'a>(&'a [u8]);
125    ///
126    /// impl<'a> Read for ReaderThatWillTimeOut<'a> {
127    ///     fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
128    ///         if self.0.is_empty() {
129    ///             Err(io::Error::new(ErrorKind::TimedOut, "timed out"))
130    ///         } else {
131    ///   
132    ///         }
133    ///     }
134    /// }
135    ///
136    /// fn main() {
137    ///     let reader = ReaderThatWillTimeOut(br#" {"k": "#);
138    ///
139    ///     let _: Value = match serde_json::from_reader(reader) {
140    ///         Ok(value) => value,
141    ///         Err(error) => {
142    ///             if error.io_error_kind() == Some(ErrorKind::TimedOut) {
143    ///                 // Maybe this application needs to retry certain kinds of errors.
144    ///
145    ///                 # return;
146    ///             } else {
147    ///                 eprintln!("error: {}", error);
148    ///                 process::exit(1);
149    ///             }
150    ///         }
151    ///     };
152    /// }
153    /// ```
154    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
155    pub fn io_error_kind(&self) -> Option<ErrorKind> {
156        if let ErrorCode::Io(io_error) = &self.err.code {
157            Some(io_error.kind())
158        } else {
159            None
160        }
161    }
164/// Categorizes the cause of a `serde_json::Error`.
165#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
166pub enum Category {
167    /// The error was caused by a failure to read or write bytes on an I/O
168    /// stream.
169    Io,
171    /// The error was caused by input that was not syntactically valid JSON.
172    Syntax,
174    /// The error was caused by input data that was semantically incorrect.
175    ///
176    /// For example, JSON containing a number is semantically incorrect when the
177    /// type being deserialized into holds a String.
178    Data,
180    /// The error was caused by prematurely reaching the end of the input data.
181    ///
182    /// Callers that process streaming input may be interested in retrying the
183    /// deserialization once more data is available.
184    Eof,
187#[cfg(feature = "std")]
189impl From<Error> for io::Error {
190    /// Convert a `serde_json::Error` into an `io::Error`.
191    ///
192    /// JSON syntax and data errors are turned into `InvalidData` I/O errors.
193    /// EOF errors are turned into `UnexpectedEof` I/O errors.
194    ///
195    /// ```
196    /// use std::io;
197    ///
198    /// enum MyError {
199    ///     Io(io::Error),
200    ///     Json(serde_json::Error),
201    /// }
202    ///
203    /// impl From<serde_json::Error> for MyError {
204    ///     fn from(err: serde_json::Error) -> MyError {
205    ///         use serde_json::error::Category;
206    ///         match err.classify() {
207    ///             Category::Io => {
208    ///                 MyError::Io(err.into())
209    ///             }
210    ///             Category::Syntax | Category::Data | Category::Eof => {
211    ///                 MyError::Json(err)
212    ///             }
213    ///         }
214    ///     }
215    /// }
216    /// ```
217    fn from(j: Error) -> Self {
218        if let ErrorCode::Io(err) = j.err.code {
219            err
220        } else {
221            match j.classify() {
222                Category::Io => unreachable!(),
223                Category::Syntax | Category::Data => io::Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidData, j),
224                Category::Eof => io::Error::new(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof, j),
225            }
226        }
227    }
230struct ErrorImpl {
231    code: ErrorCode,
232    line: usize,
233    column: usize,
236pub(crate) enum ErrorCode {
237    /// Catchall for syntax error messages
238    Message(Box<str>),
240    /// Some I/O error occurred while serializing or deserializing.
241    Io(io::Error),
243    /// EOF while parsing a list.
244    EofWhileParsingList,
246    /// EOF while parsing an object.
247    EofWhileParsingObject,
249    /// EOF while parsing a string.
250    EofWhileParsingString,
252    /// EOF while parsing a JSON value.
253    EofWhileParsingValue,
255    /// Expected this character to be a `':'`.
256    ExpectedColon,
258    /// Expected this character to be either a `','` or a `']'`.
259    ExpectedListCommaOrEnd,
261    /// Expected this character to be either a `','` or a `'}'`.
262    ExpectedObjectCommaOrEnd,
264    /// Expected to parse either a `true`, `false`, or a `null`.
265    ExpectedSomeIdent,
267    /// Expected this character to start a JSON value.
268    ExpectedSomeValue,
270    /// Expected this character to be a `"`.
271    ExpectedDoubleQuote,
273    /// Invalid hex escape code.
274    InvalidEscape,
276    /// Invalid number.
277    InvalidNumber,
279    /// Number is bigger than the maximum value of its type.
280    NumberOutOfRange,
282    /// Invalid unicode code point.
283    InvalidUnicodeCodePoint,
285    /// Control character found while parsing a string.
286    ControlCharacterWhileParsingString,
288    /// Object key is not a string.
289    KeyMustBeAString,
291    /// Contents of key were supposed to be a number.
292    ExpectedNumericKey,
294    /// Object key is a non-finite float value.
295    FloatKeyMustBeFinite,
297    /// Lone leading surrogate in hex escape.
298    LoneLeadingSurrogateInHexEscape,
300    /// JSON has a comma after the last value in an array or map.
301    TrailingComma,
303    /// JSON has non-whitespace trailing characters after the value.
304    TrailingCharacters,
306    /// Unexpected end of hex escape.
307    UnexpectedEndOfHexEscape,
309    /// Encountered nesting of JSON maps and arrays more than 128 layers deep.
310    RecursionLimitExceeded,
313impl Error {
314    #[cold]
315    pub(crate) fn syntax(code: ErrorCode, line: usize, column: usize) -> Self {
316        Error {
317            err: Box::new(ErrorImpl { code, line, column }),
318        }
319    }
321    // Not public API. Should be pub(crate).
322    //
323    // Update `eager_json` crate when this function changes.
324    #[doc(hidden)]
325    #[cold]
326    pub fn io(error: io::Error) -> Self {
327        Error {
328            err: Box::new(ErrorImpl {
329                code: ErrorCode::Io(error),
330                line: 0,
331                column: 0,
332            }),
333        }
334    }
336    #[cold]
337    pub(crate) fn fix_position<F>(self, f: F) -> Self
338    where
339        F: FnOnce(ErrorCode) -> Error,
340    {
341        if self.err.line == 0 {
342            f(self.err.code)
343        } else {
344            self
345        }
346    }
349impl Display for ErrorCode {
350    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
351        match self {
352            ErrorCode::Message(msg) => f.write_str(msg),
353            ErrorCode::Io(err) => Display::fmt(err, f),
354            ErrorCode::EofWhileParsingList => f.write_str("EOF while parsing a list"),
355            ErrorCode::EofWhileParsingObject => f.write_str("EOF while parsing an object"),
356            ErrorCode::EofWhileParsingString => f.write_str("EOF while parsing a string"),
357            ErrorCode::EofWhileParsingValue => f.write_str("EOF while parsing a value"),
358            ErrorCode::ExpectedColon => f.write_str("expected `:`"),
359            ErrorCode::ExpectedListCommaOrEnd => f.write_str("expected `,` or `]`"),
360            ErrorCode::ExpectedObjectCommaOrEnd => f.write_str("expected `,` or `}`"),
361            ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeIdent => f.write_str("expected ident"),
362            ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeValue => f.write_str("expected value"),
363            ErrorCode::ExpectedDoubleQuote => f.write_str("expected `\"`"),
364            ErrorCode::InvalidEscape => f.write_str("invalid escape"),
365            ErrorCode::InvalidNumber => f.write_str("invalid number"),
366            ErrorCode::NumberOutOfRange => f.write_str("number out of range"),
367            ErrorCode::InvalidUnicodeCodePoint => f.write_str("invalid unicode code point"),
368            ErrorCode::ControlCharacterWhileParsingString => {
369                f.write_str("control character (\\u0000-\\u001F) found while parsing a string")
370            }
371            ErrorCode::KeyMustBeAString => f.write_str("key must be a string"),
372            ErrorCode::ExpectedNumericKey => {
373                f.write_str("invalid value: expected key to be a number in quotes")
374            }
375            ErrorCode::FloatKeyMustBeFinite => {
376                f.write_str("float key must be finite (got NaN or +/-inf)")
377            }
378            ErrorCode::LoneLeadingSurrogateInHexEscape => {
379                f.write_str("lone leading surrogate in hex escape")
380            }
381            ErrorCode::TrailingComma => f.write_str("trailing comma"),
382            ErrorCode::TrailingCharacters => f.write_str("trailing characters"),
383            ErrorCode::UnexpectedEndOfHexEscape => f.write_str("unexpected end of hex escape"),
384            ErrorCode::RecursionLimitExceeded => f.write_str("recursion limit exceeded"),
385        }
386    }
389impl serde::de::StdError for Error {
390    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
391    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {
392        match &self.err.code {
393            ErrorCode::Io(err) => err.source(),
394            _ => None,
395        }
396    }
399impl Display for Error {
400    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
401        Display::fmt(&*self.err, f)
402    }
405impl Display for ErrorImpl {
406    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
407        if self.line == 0 {
408            Display::fmt(&self.code, f)
409        } else {
410            write!(
411                f,
412                "{} at line {} column {}",
413                self.code, self.line, self.column
414            )
415        }
416    }
419// Remove two layers of verbosity from the debug representation. Humans often
420// end up seeing this representation because it is what unwrap() shows.
421impl Debug for Error {
422    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
423        write!(
424            f,
425            "Error({:?}, line: {}, column: {})",
426            self.err.code.to_string(),
427            self.err.line,
428            self.err.column
429        )
430    }
433impl de::Error for Error {
434    #[cold]
435    fn custom<T: Display>(msg: T) -> Error {
436        make_error(msg.to_string())
437    }
439    #[cold]
440    fn invalid_type(unexp: de::Unexpected, exp: &dyn de::Expected) -> Self {
441        Error::custom(format_args!(
442            "invalid type: {}, expected {}",
443            JsonUnexpected(unexp),
444            exp,
445        ))
446    }
448    #[cold]
449    fn invalid_value(unexp: de::Unexpected, exp: &dyn de::Expected) -> Self {
450        Error::custom(format_args!(
451            "invalid value: {}, expected {}",
452            JsonUnexpected(unexp),
453            exp,
454        ))
455    }
458impl ser::Error for Error {
459    #[cold]
460    fn custom<T: Display>(msg: T) -> Error {
461        make_error(msg.to_string())
462    }
465struct JsonUnexpected<'a>(de::Unexpected<'a>);
467impl<'a> Display for JsonUnexpected<'a> {
468    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
469        match self.0 {
470            de::Unexpected::Unit => formatter.write_str("null"),
471            de::Unexpected::Float(value) => write!(
472                formatter,
473                "floating point `{}`",
474                ryu::Buffer::new().format(value),
475            ),
476            unexp => Display::fmt(&unexp, formatter),
477        }
478    }
481// Parse our own error message that looks like "{} at line {} column {}" to work
482// around erased-serde round-tripping the error through de::Error::custom.
483fn make_error(mut msg: String) -> Error {
484    let (line, column) = parse_line_col(&mut msg).unwrap_or((0, 0));
485    Error {
486        err: Box::new(ErrorImpl {
487            code: ErrorCode::Message(msg.into_boxed_str()),
488            line,
489            column,
490        }),
491    }
494fn parse_line_col(msg: &mut String) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
495    let start_of_suffix = match msg.rfind(" at line ") {
496        Some(index) => index,
497        None => return None,
498    };
500    // Find start and end of line number.
501    let start_of_line = start_of_suffix + " at line ".len();
502    let mut end_of_line = start_of_line;
503    while starts_with_digit(&msg[end_of_line..]) {
504        end_of_line += 1;
505    }
507    if !msg[end_of_line..].starts_with(" column ") {
508        return None;
509    }
511    // Find start and end of column number.
512    let start_of_column = end_of_line + " column ".len();
513    let mut end_of_column = start_of_column;
514    while starts_with_digit(&msg[end_of_column..]) {
515        end_of_column += 1;
516    }
518    if end_of_column < msg.len() {
519        return None;
520    }
522    // Parse numbers.
523    let line = match usize::from_str(&msg[start_of_line..end_of_line]) {
524        Ok(line) => line,
525        Err(_) => return None,
526    };
527    let column = match usize::from_str(&msg[start_of_column..end_of_column]) {
528        Ok(column) => column,
529        Err(_) => return None,
530    };
532    msg.truncate(start_of_suffix);
533    Some((line, column))
536fn starts_with_digit(slice: &str) -> bool {
537    match slice.as_bytes().first() {
538        None => false,
539        Some(&byte) => byte >= b'0' && byte <= b'9',
540    }