1use crate::visit::IntoNeighbors;
2use crate::visit::{VisitMap, Visitable};
4/// Strictly monotonically increasing event time for a depth first search.
5#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Default, Hash)]
6pub struct Time(pub usize);
8/// A depth first search (DFS) visitor event.
9#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
10pub enum DfsEvent<N> {
11 Discover(N, Time),
12 /// An edge of the tree formed by the traversal.
13 TreeEdge(N, N),
14 /// An edge to an already visited node.
15 BackEdge(N, N),
16 /// A cross or forward edge.
17 ///
18 /// For an edge *(u, v)*, if the discover time of *v* is greater than *u*,
19 /// then it is a forward edge, else a cross edge.
20 CrossForwardEdge(N, N),
21 /// All edges from a node have been reported.
22 Finish(N, Time),
25/// Return if the expression is a break value, execute the provided statement
26/// if it is a prune value.
27macro_rules! try_control {
28 ($e:expr, $p:stmt) => {
29 try_control!($e, $p, ());
30 };
31 ($e:expr, $p:stmt, $q:stmt) => {
32 match $e {
33 x => {
34 if x.should_break() {
35 return x;
36 } else if x.should_prune() {
37 $p
38 } else {
39 $q
40 }
41 }
42 }
43 };
46/// Control flow for `depth_first_search` callbacks.
47#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
48pub enum Control<B> {
49 /// Continue the DFS traversal as normal.
50 Continue,
51 /// Prune the current node from the DFS traversal. No more edges from this
52 /// node will be reported to the callback. A `DfsEvent::Finish` for this
53 /// node will still be reported. This can be returned in response to any
54 /// `DfsEvent`, except `Finish`, which will panic.
55 Prune,
56 /// Stop the DFS traversal and return the provided value.
57 Break(B),
60impl<B> Control<B> {
61 pub fn breaking() -> Control<()> {
62 Control::Break(())
63 }
64 /// Get the value in `Control::Break(_)`, if present.
65 pub fn break_value(self) -> Option<B> {
66 match self {
67 Control::Continue | Control::Prune => None,
68 Control::Break(b) => Some(b),
69 }
70 }
73/// Control flow for callbacks.
75/// The empty return value `()` is equivalent to continue.
76pub trait ControlFlow {
77 fn continuing() -> Self;
78 fn should_break(&self) -> bool;
79 fn should_prune(&self) -> bool;
82impl ControlFlow for () {
83 fn continuing() {}
84 #[inline]
85 fn should_break(&self) -> bool {
86 false
87 }
88 #[inline]
89 fn should_prune(&self) -> bool {
90 false
91 }
94impl<B> ControlFlow for Control<B> {
95 fn continuing() -> Self {
96 Control::Continue
97 }
98 fn should_break(&self) -> bool {
99 if let Control::Break(_) = *self {
100 true
101 } else {
102 false
103 }
104 }
105 fn should_prune(&self) -> bool {
106 match *self {
107 Control::Prune => true,
108 Control::Continue | Control::Break(_) => false,
109 }
110 }
113impl<C: ControlFlow, E> ControlFlow for Result<C, E> {
114 fn continuing() -> Self {
115 Ok(C::continuing())
116 }
117 fn should_break(&self) -> bool {
118 if let Ok(ref c) = *self {
119 c.should_break()
120 } else {
121 true
122 }
123 }
124 fn should_prune(&self) -> bool {
125 if let Ok(ref c) = *self {
126 c.should_prune()
127 } else {
128 false
129 }
130 }
133/// The default is `Continue`.
134impl<B> Default for Control<B> {
135 fn default() -> Self {
136 Control::Continue
137 }
140/// A recursive depth first search.
142/// Starting points are the nodes in the iterator `starts` (specify just one
143/// start vertex *x* by using `Some(x)`).
145/// The traversal emits discovery and finish events for each reachable vertex,
146/// and edge classification of each reachable edge. `visitor` is called for each
147/// event, see [`DfsEvent`][de] for possible values.
149/// The return value should implement the trait `ControlFlow`, and can be used to change
150/// the control flow of the search.
152/// `Control` Implements `ControlFlow` such that `Control::Continue` resumes the search.
153/// `Control::Break` will stop the visit early, returning the contained value.
154/// `Control::Prune` will stop traversing any additional edges from the current
155/// node and proceed immediately to the `Finish` event.
157/// There are implementations of `ControlFlow` for `()`, and `Result<C, E>` where
158/// `C: ControlFlow`. The implementation for `()` will continue until finished.
159/// For `Result`, upon encountering an `E` it will break, otherwise acting the same as `C`.
161/// ***Panics** if you attempt to prune a node from its `Finish` event.
163/// [de]: enum.DfsEvent.html
165/// # Example returning `Control`.
167/// Find a path from vertex 0 to 5, and exit the visit as soon as we reach
168/// the goal vertex.
170/// ```
171/// use petgraph::prelude::*;
172/// use petgraph::graph::node_index as n;
173/// use petgraph::visit::depth_first_search;
174/// use petgraph::visit::{DfsEvent, Control};
176/// let gr: Graph<(), ()> = Graph::from_edges(&[
177/// (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3),
178/// (1, 3),
179/// (2, 3), (2, 4),
180/// (4, 0), (4, 5),
181/// ]);
183/// // record each predecessor, mapping node → node
184/// let mut predecessor = vec![NodeIndex::end(); gr.node_count()];
185/// let start = n(0);
186/// let goal = n(5);
187/// depth_first_search(&gr, Some(start), |event| {
188/// if let DfsEvent::TreeEdge(u, v) = event {
189/// predecessor[v.index()] = u;
190/// if v == goal {
191/// return Control::Break(v);
192/// }
193/// }
194/// Control::Continue
195/// });
197/// let mut next = goal;
198/// let mut path = vec![next];
199/// while next != start {
200/// let pred = predecessor[next.index()];
201/// path.push(pred);
202/// next = pred;
203/// }
204/// path.reverse();
205/// assert_eq!(&path, &[n(0), n(2), n(4), n(5)]);
206/// ```
208/// # Example returning a `Result`.
209/// ```
210/// use petgraph::graph::node_index as n;
211/// use petgraph::prelude::*;
212/// use petgraph::visit::depth_first_search;
213/// use petgraph::visit::{DfsEvent, Time};
215/// let gr: Graph<(), ()> = Graph::from_edges(&[(0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 1), (2, 1)]);
216/// let start = n(0);
217/// let mut back_edges = 0;
218/// let mut discover_time = 0;
219/// // Stop the search, the first time a BackEdge is encountered.
220/// let result = depth_first_search(&gr, Some(start), |event| {
221/// match event {
222/// // In the cases where Ok(()) is returned,
223/// // Result falls back to the implementation of Control on the value ().
224/// // In the case of (), this is to always return Control::Continue.
225/// // continuing the search.
226/// DfsEvent::Discover(_, Time(t)) => {
227/// discover_time = t;
228/// Ok(())
229/// }
230/// DfsEvent::BackEdge(_, _) => {
231/// back_edges += 1;
232/// // the implementation of ControlFlow for Result,
233/// // treats this Err value as Continue::Break
234/// Err(event)
235/// }
236/// _ => Ok(()),
237/// }
238/// });
240/// // Even though the graph has more than one cycle,
241/// // The number of back_edges visited by the search should always be 1.
242/// assert_eq!(back_edges, 1);
243/// println!("discover time:{:?}", discover_time);
244/// println!("number of backedges encountered: {}", back_edges);
245/// println!("back edge: {:?}", result);
246/// ```
247pub fn depth_first_search<G, I, F, C>(graph: G, starts: I, mut visitor: F) -> C
249 G: IntoNeighbors + Visitable,
250 I: IntoIterator<Item = G::NodeId>,
251 F: FnMut(DfsEvent<G::NodeId>) -> C,
252 C: ControlFlow,
254 let time = &mut Time(0);
255 let discovered = &mut graph.visit_map();
256 let finished = &mut graph.visit_map();
258 for start in starts {
259 try_control!(
260 dfs_visitor(graph, start, &mut visitor, discovered, finished, time),
261 unreachable!()
262 );
263 }
264 C::continuing()
267pub(crate) fn dfs_visitor<G, F, C>(
268 graph: G,
269 u: G::NodeId,
270 visitor: &mut F,
271 discovered: &mut impl VisitMap<G::NodeId>,
272 finished: &mut impl VisitMap<G::NodeId>,
273 time: &mut Time,
274) -> C
276 G: IntoNeighbors + Visitable,
277 F: FnMut(DfsEvent<G::NodeId>) -> C,
278 C: ControlFlow,
280 if !discovered.visit(u) {
281 return C::continuing();
282 }
284 try_control!(
285 visitor(DfsEvent::Discover(u, time_post_inc(time))),
286 {},
287 for v in graph.neighbors(u) {
288 if !discovered.is_visited(&v) {
289 try_control!(visitor(DfsEvent::TreeEdge(u, v)), continue);
290 try_control!(
291 dfs_visitor(graph, v, visitor, discovered, finished, time),
292 unreachable!()
293 );
294 } else if !finished.is_visited(&v) {
295 try_control!(visitor(DfsEvent::BackEdge(u, v)), continue);
296 } else {
297 try_control!(visitor(DfsEvent::CrossForwardEdge(u, v)), continue);
298 }
299 }
300 );
301 let first_finish = finished.visit(u);
302 debug_assert!(first_finish);
303 try_control!(
304 visitor(DfsEvent::Finish(u, time_post_inc(time))),
305 panic!("Pruning on the `DfsEvent::Finish` is not supported!")
306 );
307 C::continuing()
310fn time_post_inc(x: &mut Time) -> Time {
311 let v = *x;
312 x.0 += 1;
313 v