
1use std::fmt;
3use unicode_width::{UnicodeWidthChar, UnicodeWidthStr};
5use crate::diagnostic_chain::DiagnosticChain;
6use crate::protocol::{Diagnostic, Severity};
7use crate::{LabeledSpan, MietteError, ReportHandler, SourceCode, SourceSpan, SpanContents};
10[`ReportHandler`] that renders plain text and avoids extraneous graphics.
11It's optimized for screen readers and braille users, but is also used in any
12non-graphical environments, such as non-TTY output.
14#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
15pub struct NarratableReportHandler {
16    context_lines: usize,
17    with_cause_chain: bool,
18    footer: Option<String>,
21impl NarratableReportHandler {
22    /// Create a new [`NarratableReportHandler`]. There are no customization
23    /// options.
24    pub const fn new() -> Self {
25        Self {
26            footer: None,
27            context_lines: 1,
28            with_cause_chain: true,
29        }
30    }
32    /// Include the cause chain of the top-level error in the report, if
33    /// available.
34    pub const fn with_cause_chain(mut self) -> Self {
35        self.with_cause_chain = true;
36        self
37    }
39    /// Do not include the cause chain of the top-level error in the report.
40    pub const fn without_cause_chain(mut self) -> Self {
41        self.with_cause_chain = false;
42        self
43    }
45    /// Set the footer to be displayed at the end of the report.
46    pub fn with_footer(mut self, footer: String) -> Self {
47        self.footer = Some(footer);
48        self
49    }
51    /// Sets the number of lines of context to show around each error.
52    pub const fn with_context_lines(mut self, lines: usize) -> Self {
53        self.context_lines = lines;
54        self
55    }
58impl Default for NarratableReportHandler {
59    fn default() -> Self {
60        Self::new()
61    }
64impl NarratableReportHandler {
65    /// Render a [`Diagnostic`]. This function is mostly internal and meant to
66    /// be called by the toplevel [`ReportHandler`] handler, but is
67    /// made public to make it easier (possible) to test in isolation from
68    /// global state.
69    pub fn render_report(
70        &self,
71        f: &mut impl fmt::Write,
72        diagnostic: &(dyn Diagnostic),
73    ) -> fmt::Result {
74        self.render_header(f, diagnostic)?;
75        if self.with_cause_chain {
76            self.render_causes(f, diagnostic)?;
77        }
78        let src = diagnostic.source_code();
79        self.render_snippets(f, diagnostic, src)?;
80        self.render_footer(f, diagnostic)?;
81        self.render_related(f, diagnostic, src)?;
82        if let Some(footer) = &self.footer {
83            writeln!(f, "{}", footer)?;
84        }
85        Ok(())
86    }
88    fn render_header(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write, diagnostic: &(dyn Diagnostic)) -> fmt::Result {
89        writeln!(f, "{}", diagnostic)?;
90        let severity = match diagnostic.severity() {
91            Some(Severity::Error) | None => "error",
92            Some(Severity::Warning) => "warning",
93            Some(Severity::Advice) => "advice",
94        };
95        writeln!(f, "    Diagnostic severity: {}", severity)?;
96        Ok(())
97    }
99    fn render_causes(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write, diagnostic: &(dyn Diagnostic)) -> fmt::Result {
100        if let Some(cause_iter) = diagnostic
101            .diagnostic_source()
102            .map(DiagnosticChain::from_diagnostic)
103            .or_else(|| diagnostic.source().map(DiagnosticChain::from_stderror))
104        {
105            for error in cause_iter {
106                writeln!(f, "    Caused by: {}", error)?;
107            }
108        }
110        Ok(())
111    }
113    fn render_footer(&self, f: &mut impl fmt::Write, diagnostic: &(dyn Diagnostic)) -> fmt::Result {
114        if let Some(help) = diagnostic.help() {
115            writeln!(f, "diagnostic help: {}", help)?;
116        }
117        if let Some(code) = diagnostic.code() {
118            writeln!(f, "diagnostic code: {}", code)?;
119        }
120        if let Some(url) = diagnostic.url() {
121            writeln!(f, "For more details, see:\n{}", url)?;
122        }
123        Ok(())
124    }
126    fn render_related(
127        &self,
128        f: &mut impl fmt::Write,
129        diagnostic: &(dyn Diagnostic),
130        parent_src: Option<&dyn SourceCode>,
131    ) -> fmt::Result {
132        if let Some(related) = diagnostic.related() {
133            writeln!(f)?;
134            for rel in related {
135                match rel.severity() {
136                    Some(Severity::Error) | None => write!(f, "Error: ")?,
137                    Some(Severity::Warning) => write!(f, "Warning: ")?,
138                    Some(Severity::Advice) => write!(f, "Advice: ")?,
139                };
140                self.render_header(f, rel)?;
141                writeln!(f)?;
142                self.render_causes(f, rel)?;
143                let src = rel.source_code().or(parent_src);
144                self.render_snippets(f, rel, src)?;
145                self.render_footer(f, rel)?;
146                self.render_related(f, rel, src)?;
147            }
148        }
149        Ok(())
150    }
152    fn render_snippets(
153        &self,
154        f: &mut impl fmt::Write,
155        diagnostic: &(dyn Diagnostic),
156        source_code: Option<&dyn SourceCode>,
157    ) -> fmt::Result {
158        if let Some(source) = source_code {
159            if let Some(labels) = diagnostic.labels() {
160                let mut labels = labels.collect::<Vec<_>>();
161                labels.sort_unstable_by_key(|l| l.inner().offset());
162                if !labels.is_empty() {
163                    let contents = labels
164                        .iter()
165                        .map(|label| {
166                            source.read_span(label.inner(), self.context_lines, self.context_lines)
167                        })
168                        .collect::<Result<Vec<Box<dyn SpanContents<'_>>>, MietteError>>()
169                        .map_err(|_| fmt::Error)?;
170                    let mut contexts = Vec::new();
171                    for (right, right_conts) in labels.iter().cloned().zip(contents.iter()) {
172                        if contexts.is_empty() {
173                            contexts.push((right, right_conts));
174                        } else {
175                            let (left, left_conts) = contexts.last().unwrap().clone();
176                            let left_end = left.offset() + left.len();
177                            let right_end = right.offset() + right.len();
178                            if left_conts.line() + left_conts.line_count() >= right_conts.line() {
179                                // The snippets will overlap, so we create one Big Chunky Boi
180                                let new_span = LabeledSpan::new(
181                                    left.label().map(String::from),
182                                    left.offset(),
183                                    if right_end >= left_end {
184                                        // Right end goes past left end
185                                        right_end - left.offset()
186                                    } else {
187                                        // right is contained inside left
188                                        left.len()
189                                    },
190                                );
191                                if source
192                                    .read_span(
193                                        new_span.inner(),
194                                        self.context_lines,
195                                        self.context_lines,
196                                    )
197                                    .is_ok()
198                                {
199                                    contexts.pop();
200                                    contexts.push((
201                                        new_span, // We'll throw this away later
202                                        left_conts,
203                                    ));
204                                } else {
205                                    contexts.push((right, right_conts));
206                                }
207                            } else {
208                                contexts.push((right, right_conts));
209                            }
210                        }
211                    }
212                    for (ctx, _) in contexts {
213                        self.render_context(f, source, &ctx, &labels[..])?;
214                    }
215                }
216            }
217        }
218        Ok(())
219    }
221    fn render_context(
222        &self,
223        f: &mut impl fmt::Write,
224        source: &dyn SourceCode,
225        context: &LabeledSpan,
226        labels: &[LabeledSpan],
227    ) -> fmt::Result {
228        let (contents, lines) = self.get_lines(source, context.inner())?;
229        write!(f, "Begin snippet")?;
230        if let Some(filename) = contents.name() {
231            write!(f, " for {}", filename,)?;
232        }
233        writeln!(
234            f,
235            " starting at line {}, column {}",
236            contents.line() + 1,
237            contents.column() + 1
238        )?;
239        writeln!(f)?;
240        for line in &lines {
241            writeln!(f, "snippet line {}: {}", line.line_number, line.text)?;
242            let relevant = labels
243                .iter()
244                .filter_map(|l| line.span_attach(l.inner()).map(|a| (a, l)));
245            for (attach, label) in relevant {
246                match attach {
247                    SpanAttach::Contained { col_start, col_end } if col_start == col_end => {
248                        write!(
249                            f,
250                            "    label at line {}, column {}",
251                            line.line_number, col_start,
252                        )?;
253                    }
254                    SpanAttach::Contained { col_start, col_end } => {
255                        write!(
256                            f,
257                            "    label at line {}, columns {} to {}",
258                            line.line_number, col_start, col_end,
259                        )?;
260                    }
261                    SpanAttach::Starts { col_start } => {
262                        write!(
263                            f,
264                            "    label starting at line {}, column {}",
265                            line.line_number, col_start,
266                        )?;
267                    }
268                    SpanAttach::Ends { col_end } => {
269                        write!(
270                            f,
271                            "    label ending at line {}, column {}",
272                            line.line_number, col_end,
273                        )?;
274                    }
275                }
276                if let Some(label) = label.label() {
277                    write!(f, ": {}", label)?;
278                }
279                writeln!(f)?;
280            }
281        }
282        Ok(())
283    }
285    fn get_lines<'a>(
286        &'a self,
287        source: &'a dyn SourceCode,
288        context_span: &'a SourceSpan,
289    ) -> Result<(Box<dyn SpanContents<'a> + 'a>, Vec<Line>), fmt::Error> {
290        let context_data = source
291            .read_span(context_span, self.context_lines, self.context_lines)
292            .map_err(|_| fmt::Error)?;
293        let context = std::str::from_utf8(context_data.data()).expect("Bad utf8 detected");
294        let mut line = context_data.line();
295        let mut column = context_data.column();
296        let mut offset = context_data.span().offset();
297        let mut line_offset = offset;
298        let mut line_str = String::with_capacity(context.len());
299        let mut lines = Vec::with_capacity(1);
300        let mut iter = context.chars().peekable();
301        while let Some(char) = iter.next() {
302            offset += char.len_utf8();
303            let mut at_end_of_file = false;
304            match char {
305                '\r' => {
306                    if iter.next_if_eq(&'\n').is_some() {
307                        offset += 1;
308                        line += 1;
309                        column = 0;
310                    } else {
311                        line_str.push(char);
312                        column += 1;
313                    }
314                    at_end_of_file = iter.peek().is_none();
315                }
316                '\n' => {
317                    at_end_of_file = iter.peek().is_none();
318                    line += 1;
319                    column = 0;
320                }
321                _ => {
322                    line_str.push(char);
323                    column += 1;
324                }
325            }
327            if iter.peek().is_none() && !at_end_of_file {
328                line += 1;
329            }
331            if column == 0 || iter.peek().is_none() {
332                lines.push(Line {
333                    line_number: line,
334                    offset: line_offset,
335                    text: line_str.clone(),
336                    at_end_of_file,
337                });
338                line_str.clear();
339                line_offset = offset;
340            }
341        }
342        Ok((context_data, lines))
343    }
346impl ReportHandler for NarratableReportHandler {
347    fn debug(&self, diagnostic: &(dyn Diagnostic), f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
348        if f.alternate() {
349            return fmt::Debug::fmt(diagnostic, f);
350        }
352        self.render_report(f, diagnostic)
353    }
357Support types
360struct Line {
361    line_number: usize,
362    offset: usize,
363    text: String,
364    at_end_of_file: bool,
367enum SpanAttach {
368    Contained { col_start: usize, col_end: usize },
369    Starts { col_start: usize },
370    Ends { col_end: usize },
373/// Returns column at offset, and nearest boundary if offset is in the middle of
374/// the character
375fn safe_get_column(text: &str, offset: usize, start: bool) -> usize {
376    let mut column = text.get(0..offset).map(|s| s.width()).unwrap_or_else(|| {
377        let mut column = 0;
378        for (idx, c) in text.char_indices() {
379            if offset <= idx {
380                break;
381            }
382            column += c.width().unwrap_or(0);
383        }
384        column
385    });
386    if start {
387        // Offset are zero-based, so plus one
388        column += 1;
389    } // On the other hand for end span, offset refers for the next column
390      // So we should do -1. column+1-1 == column
391    column
394impl Line {
395    fn span_attach(&self, span: &SourceSpan) -> Option<SpanAttach> {
396        let span_end = span.offset() + span.len();
397        let line_end = self.offset + self.text.len();
399        let start_after = span.offset() >= self.offset;
400        let end_before = self.at_end_of_file || span_end <= line_end;
402        if start_after && end_before {
403            let col_start = safe_get_column(&self.text, span.offset() - self.offset, true);
404            let col_end = if span.is_empty() {
405                col_start
406            } else {
407                // span_end refers to the next character after token
408                // while col_end refers to the exact character, so -1
409                safe_get_column(&self.text, span_end - self.offset, false)
410            };
411            return Some(SpanAttach::Contained { col_start, col_end });
412        }
413        if start_after && span.offset() <= line_end {
414            let col_start = safe_get_column(&self.text, span.offset() - self.offset, true);
415            return Some(SpanAttach::Starts { col_start });
416        }
417        if end_before && span_end >= self.offset {
418            let col_end = safe_get_column(&self.text, span_end - self.offset, false);
419            return Some(SpanAttach::Ends { col_end });
420        }
421        None
422    }