
1// Copyright (c) The cargo-guppy Contributors
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
4use crate::{
5    errors::RulesError,
6    rules::{
7        DeterminatorPostRule, DeterminatorRules, MarkChangedImpl, PathMatch, PathRuleImpl,
8        RulesImpl,
9    },
11use ahash::AHashMap;
12use camino::Utf8Path;
13use globset::Candidate;
14use guppy::{
15    PackageId,
16    graph::{
17        DependencyDirection, PackageGraph, PackageMetadata, PackageSet, Workspace,
18        cargo::{CargoOptions, CargoSet},
19        feature::{FeatureFilter, FeatureSet, StandardFeatures},
20    },
21    platform::PlatformSpec,
23use petgraph::{Directed, graphmap::GraphMap};
24use rayon::prelude::*;
25use std::collections::{HashSet, hash_map::Entry};
27/// Determine target dependencies from changed files and packages in a workspace.
29/// For more about how the determinator works, see the [crate-level documentation](crate).
31/// This struct has two lifetime parameters:
32/// * `'g` stands for the lifetime of the new graph. The `DeterminatorSet` will be bound to this
33///   lifetime.
34/// * `'a` is the lifetime of the old graph, Cargo options, and changed paths. The `DeterminatorSet`
35///   will not be bound to this lifetime.
36#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
37pub struct Determinator<'g, 'a> {
38    old: &'a PackageGraph,
39    new: &'g PackageGraph,
40    rules: RulesImpl<'g>,
41    cargo_options: Option<&'a CargoOptions<'a>>,
42    old_features_only: Option<FeatureSet<'a>>,
43    new_features_only: Option<FeatureSet<'g>>,
44    changed_paths: Vec<&'a Utf8Path>,
47impl<'g, 'a> Determinator<'g, 'a> {
48    /// Creates a new instance of `Determinator` with old and new package graphs.
49    pub fn new(old: &'a PackageGraph, new: &'g PackageGraph) -> Self {
50        Self {
51            old,
52            new,
53            rules: RulesImpl::new(new, &DeterminatorRules::default())
54                .expect("default rules should parse"),
55            cargo_options: None,
56            old_features_only: None,
57            new_features_only: None,
58            changed_paths: vec![],
59        }
60    }
62    /// Adds a list of changed paths. This list is used as a source of information for the
63    /// determinator.
64    ///
65    /// This should consist of paths that are changed since the base revision. Paths on Windows may
66    /// use either `/` or `\\` as separators.
67    ///
68    /// [`Utf8Paths0`](crate::Utf8Paths0) in this crate provides a convenient way to handle
69    /// null-separated paths as produced by source control systems.
70    ///
71    /// # Should you include untracked and ignored files?
72    ///
73    /// For comparisons against the working directory, one may or may not wish to include untracked
74    /// files. A few points to consider:
75    ///
76    /// * If your code uses a library like [`datatest`](, simply
77    ///   creating a file in the right place is enough to add a new test. If untracked files are
78    ///   not included, the user may have to run `git add` before the determinator picks the change
79    ///   up.
80    /// * On the other hand, if a user wishes to include a new test in their PR, they're going to
81    ///   have to run `git add` at some point anyway.
82    /// * Some users may have untracked files lying around in their repository for long periods of
83    ///   time, and those files may cause false positives.
84    /// * Git makes it surprisingly hard to list out untracked files, requiring `git status
85    ///   --porcelain -z` with some additional filtering on top to do so. `git diff` doesn't have
86    ///   an option to list untracked files.
87    /// * This is generally moot in CI, since those workflows will likely be comparing against a
88    ///   commit.
89    /// * In most cases, ignored files should not be considered by the determinator, since they
90    ///   don't affect CI builds.
91    ///
92    /// On balance, only considering tracked files appears to be the right approach for most
93    /// situations.
94    pub fn add_changed_paths(
95        &mut self,
96        paths: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a (impl AsRef<Utf8Path> + ?Sized + 'a)>,
97    ) -> &mut Self {
98        self.changed_paths
99            .extend(paths.into_iter().map(|path| path.as_ref()));
100        self
101    }
103    /// Returns what *would* happen if a given path was added to the changed set.
104    ///
105    /// This does not add any path to the changed set, but indicates what *would* happen if a path
106    /// is added.
107    ///
108    /// This method may be used to ensure that all paths in a repository are covered by at least one
109    /// rule if they don't match a package.
110    ///
111    /// `match_cb` is called for all package IDs that the path matches.
112    pub fn match_path(
113        &self,
114        path: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>,
115        match_cb: impl FnMut(&'g PackageId),
116    ) -> PathMatch {
117        process_path(
118            path.as_ref(),
119            &,
120            &self.rules.path_rules,
121            match_cb,
122        )
123    }
125    /// Processes and configures determinator rules.
126    ///
127    /// Returns an error if the rules were invalid in some way.
128    pub fn set_rules(&mut self, rules: &DeterminatorRules) -> Result<&mut Self, RulesError> {
129        let rules = RulesImpl::new(, rules)?;
130        self.rules = rules;
131        Ok(self)
132    }
134    /// Configures Cargo options.
135    ///
136    /// These options are used to determine if the build for a particular package has changed.
137    ///
138    /// If no options are specified, the default `CargoOptions`, as specified by
139    /// `CargoOptions::new`, are used, with one exception: dev-dependencies are built by default.
140    pub fn set_cargo_options(&mut self, cargo_options: &'a CargoOptions<'a>) -> &mut Self {
141        self.cargo_options = Some(cargo_options);
142        self
143    }
145    /// Returns the default Cargo options used by the determinator.
146    ///
147    /// These are the same as the defaults returned by [`CargoOptions::new`](CargoOptions::new),
148    /// except:
149    /// * dev-dependencies are enabled
150    /// * the host and target platforms are set to the build target
151    pub fn default_cargo_options() -> CargoOptions<'static> {
152        let mut options = CargoOptions::new();
153        options
154            .set_include_dev(true)
155            .set_platform(PlatformSpec::build_target().expect("current platform is unknown"));
156        options
157    }
159    /// Configures features-only packages that are used in build simulations.
160    ///
161    /// The packages and features will be used for feature unification. This is useful for
162    /// pseudo-packages or workspace-hack packages, including those generated by tools like
163    /// [Hakari](
164    ///
165    /// For more about `features_only`, see the documentation for [`CargoSet::new`](CargoSet::new).
166    ///
167    /// The package names are expected to be present in the new graph, but may not be present in the
168    /// old `PackageGraph`.
169    /// * If a package name isn't in the *new* graph, this method returns an error.
170    /// * If a package name isn't in the *old* graph, it is ignored.
171    pub fn set_features_only<'b>(
172        &mut self,
173        workspace_names: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'b str>,
174        features: StandardFeatures,
175    ) -> Result<&mut Self, guppy::Error> {
176        let old_workspace = self.old.workspace();
177        let mut old_names = vec![];
178        let new_names: Vec<_> = workspace_names
179            .into_iter()
180            .inspect(|&name| {
181                if old_workspace.contains_name(name) {
182                    old_names.push(name);
183                }
184            })
185            .collect();
187        // Missing package name in new workspace => error.
188        let new_features_only = self
189            .new
190            .resolve_workspace_names(new_names)?
191            .to_feature_set(features);
192        let old_features_only = self
193            .old
194            .resolve_workspace_names(old_names)
195            .expect("old names were checked already")
196            .to_feature_set(features);
198        self.new_features_only = Some(new_features_only);
199        self.old_features_only = Some(old_features_only);
200        Ok(self)
201    }
203    /// Uses the old and new sets and the list of changed files to compute the list
204    /// of projects that is affected.
205    pub fn compute(&self) -> DeterminatorSet<'g> {
206        let mut build_state = BuildState::new(self);
208        // 1-2. Process every changed path.
209        for path in &self.changed_paths {
210            build_state = match build_state.process_path(path) {
211                Some(build_state) => build_state,
212                None => {
213                    // The build state was discarded, which means that the entire workspace is
214                    // changed and affected.
215                    let path_changed_set =;
216                    let affected_set = path_changed_set.clone();
217                    return DeterminatorSet {
218                        path_changed_set,
219                        // This is an empty set.
220                        summary_changed_set:,
221                        affected_set,
222                    };
223                }
224            }
225        }
227        // 3. Construct the path changed set from the given IDs.
228        let path_changed_set = self
229            .new
230            .resolve_ids(build_state.path_changed_ids.iter().copied())
231            .expect("package IDs are all valid");
233        // 4. Use build summaries as another source of changes.
234        build_state.process_build_summaries();
235        let summary_changed_set = self
236            .new
237            .resolve_ids(build_state.summary_changed_ids.iter().copied())
238            .expect("package IDs are all valid");
240        // 5. The affected set is the transitive closure of the graph constructed by looking at both
241        // the build cache and Cargo rules.
242        let affected_set = build_state.reverse_index.affected_closure(
243  ,
244            &build_state.path_changed_ids,
245            &build_state.summary_changed_ids,
246        );
248        DeterminatorSet {
249            path_changed_set,
250            summary_changed_set,
251            affected_set,
252        }
253    }
256/// The result of a `Determinator` computation.
258/// The lifetime `'g` is tied to the *new* `PackageGraph` passed to a `Determinator`.
259#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
260pub struct DeterminatorSet<'g> {
261    /// The packages that were affected, directly or indirectly. This set is what most consumers
262    /// care about.
263    ///
264    /// A package is in this set if it was marked changed due to a path or summaries changing, or if
265    /// a simulated Cargo build or package rule indicated that it is affected.
266    pub affected_set: PackageSet<'g>,
268    /// The packages that were marked changed because a file changed.
269    ///
270    /// Either a file inside this package changed or a path rule was matched.
271    pub path_changed_set: PackageSet<'g>,
273    /// The packages that were marked changed becuase a simulated Cargo build's summary showed
274    /// changes in dependencies.
275    ///
276    /// This does not include packages marked changed through a path. For example, if a path rule
277    /// caused all packages to be marked changed, further steps aren't run and this set is empty.
278    pub summary_changed_set: PackageSet<'g>,
281// ---
282// Private structures
283// ---
286struct BuildState<'g, 'a, 'b> {
287    determinator: &'b Determinator<'g, 'a>,
288    path_changed_ids: HashSet<&'g PackageId>,
289    summary_changed_ids: HashSet<&'g PackageId>,
290    build_cache: CargoBuildCache<'g>,
291    reverse_index: ReverseIndex<'g>,
294impl<'g, 'a, 'b> BuildState<'g, 'a, 'b> {
295    fn new(determinator: &'b Determinator<'g, 'a>) -> Self {
296        let build_cache = CargoBuildCache::new(determinator);
297        let reverse_index = ReverseIndex::new(determinator, &build_cache);
298        Self {
299            determinator,
300            path_changed_ids: HashSet::new(),
301            summary_changed_ids: HashSet::new(),
302            build_cache,
303            reverse_index,
304        }
305    }
307    // A return value of None stands for all packages in the workspace changed.
308    fn process_path(mut self, path: &Utf8Path) -> Option<Self> {
309        let status = process_path(
310            path,
311            &,
312            &self.determinator.rules.path_rules,
313            |id| {
314                self.path_changed_ids.insert(id);
315            },
316        );
317        match status {
318            PathMatch::RuleMatchedAll | PathMatch::NoMatches => None,
319            PathMatch::RuleMatched(_) | PathMatch::AncestorMatched => Some(self),
320        }
321    }
323    fn process_build_summaries(&mut self) {
324        // For each workspace package, if its build summaries have changed mark it changed.
325        let summary_changed_ids: Vec<_> = self
326            .determinator
327            .new
328            .workspace()
329            .par_iter_by_name()
330            .filter_map(|(name, package)| {
331                // Don't include packages already marked as changed through paths. (This is documented.)
332                if !self.path_changed_ids.contains(
333                    && self.build_summaries_changed(name, package)
334                {
335                    Some(
336                } else {
337                    None
338                }
339            })
340            .collect();
341        self.summary_changed_ids.extend(summary_changed_ids);
342    }
344    fn build_summaries_changed(&self, name: &str, package: PackageMetadata<'g>) -> bool {
345        // Look up the package in the old metadata by path. (Workspace packages are uniquely
346        // identified by both name and path -- this could be done by name as well).
347        let old_workspace = self.determinator.old.workspace();
348        let old_package = match old_workspace.member_by_name(name) {
349            Ok(package) => package,
350            Err(_) => {
351                // Member not found: this is new or renamed.
352                return true;
353            }
354        };
356        let default_options = Determinator::default_cargo_options();
357        let cargo_options = self.determinator.cargo_options.unwrap_or(&default_options);
359        let default_features_only = self.determinator.old.feature_graph().resolve_none();
360        let features_only = self
361            .determinator
362            .old_features_only
363            .as_ref()
364            .unwrap_or(&default_features_only);
366        let old_result = BuildResult::new(old_package, cargo_options, features_only);
367        let new_result = &self.build_cache.result_cache[];
368        new_result.is_changed(&old_result, cargo_options)
369    }
372fn process_path<'g>(
373    path: &Utf8Path,
374    workspace: &Workspace<'g>,
375    path_rules: &[PathRuleImpl<'g>],
376    mut match_cb: impl FnMut(&'g PackageId),
377) -> PathMatch {
378    let candidate = Candidate::new(path);
380    // 1. Apply any rules that match the path.
381    for rule in path_rules {
382        if rule.glob_set.is_match_candidate(&candidate) {
383            // This glob matches this rule, so execute it.
384            match &rule.mark_changed {
385                MarkChangedImpl::Packages(packages) => {
386                    for package in packages {
387                        match_cb(;
388                    }
389                }
390                MarkChangedImpl::All => {
391                    // Mark all packages changed.
392                    return PathMatch::RuleMatchedAll;
393                }
394            }
396            match &rule.post_rule {
397                DeterminatorPostRule::Skip => {
398                    // Skip all further processing for this path but continue reading other
399                    // paths.
400                    return PathMatch::RuleMatched(rule.rule_index);
401                }
402                DeterminatorPostRule::SkipRules => {
403                    // Skip further rule processing but continue to step 2 to match to the
404                    // nearest package.
405                    break;
406                }
407                DeterminatorPostRule::Fallthrough => {
408                    // Continue applying rules.
409                    continue;
410                }
411            }
412        }
413    }
415    // 2. Map the path to its nearest ancestor package.
416    for ancestor in path.ancestors() {
417        if let Ok(package) = workspace.member_by_path(ancestor) {
418            match_cb(;
419            return PathMatch::AncestorMatched;
420        }
421    }
423    // 3. If a file didn't match anything so far, rebuild everything.
424    PathMatch::NoMatches
427/// Stores a build cache of every package in a workspace.
429struct CargoBuildCache<'g> {
430    result_cache: AHashMap<&'g PackageId, BuildResult<'g>>,
433impl<'g> CargoBuildCache<'g> {
434    fn new(determinator: &Determinator<'g, '_>) -> Self {
435        let default_options = Determinator::default_cargo_options();
436        let cargo_options = determinator.cargo_options.unwrap_or(&default_options);
438        let workspace =;
439        let default_features_only =;
440        let features_only = determinator
441            .new_features_only
442            .as_ref()
443            .unwrap_or(&default_features_only);
445        let result_cache: ahash::HashMap<_, _> = workspace
446            .par_iter()
447            .map(|package| {
448                let id =;
449                let build_result = BuildResult::new(package, cargo_options, features_only);
450                (id, build_result)
451            })
452            .collect();
454        Self {
455            result_cache: result_cache.into(),
456        }
457    }
461struct BuildResult<'g> {
462    none: CargoSet<'g>,
463    default: CargoSet<'g>,
464    all: CargoSet<'g>,
465    // TODO: add support for more feature sets?
468impl<'g> BuildResult<'g> {
469    fn new(
470        package: PackageMetadata<'g>,
471        cargo_options: &CargoOptions<'_>,
472        features_only: &FeatureSet<'g>,
473    ) -> Self {
474        let (none, (default, all)) = rayon::join(
475            || {
476                make_cargo_set(
477                    &package,
478                    StandardFeatures::None,
479                    cargo_options,
480                    features_only,
481                )
482            },
483            || {
484                rayon::join(
485                    || {
486                        make_cargo_set(
487                            &package,
488                            StandardFeatures::Default,
489                            cargo_options,
490                            features_only,
491                        )
492                    },
493                    || {
494                        make_cargo_set(
495                            &package,
496                            StandardFeatures::All,
497                            cargo_options,
498                            features_only,
499                        )
500                    },
501                )
502            },
503        );
505        Self { none, default, all }
506    }
508    /// Returns the unified set of workspace dependencies.
509    fn unified_workspace_set(&self, workspace_set: &PackageSet<'g>) -> PackageSet<'g> {
510        let target_set = self
511            .all_cargo_sets()
512            .map(|x| x.target_features().to_package_set())
513            .reduce(|a, b| a.union(&b))
514            .expect("at least one set");
515        let host_set = self
516            .all_cargo_sets()
517            .map(|x| x.host_features().to_package_set())
518            .reduce(|a, b| a.union(&b))
519            .expect("at least one set");
521        target_set.union(&host_set).intersection(workspace_set)
522    }
524    fn is_changed(&self, other: &BuildResult<'_>, cargo_options: &CargoOptions<'_>) -> bool {
525        for (a, b) in self.all_cargo_sets().zip(other.all_cargo_sets()) {
526            let a_summary = a
527                .to_summary(cargo_options)
528                .expect("custom platforms currently unsupported");
529            let b_summary = b
530                .to_summary(cargo_options)
531                .expect("custom platforms currently unsupported");
532            let diff = a_summary.diff(&b_summary);
533            if diff.is_changed() {
534                return true;
535            }
536        }
537        false
538    }
540    fn all_cargo_sets<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a CargoSet<'g>> + 'a {
541        std::iter::once(&self.none)
542            .chain(std::iter::once(&self.default))
543            .chain(std::iter::once(&self.all))
544    }
547fn make_cargo_set<'x>(
548    package: &PackageMetadata<'x>,
549    filter: impl FeatureFilter<'x>,
550    cargo_options: &CargoOptions<'_>,
551    features_only: &FeatureSet<'x>,
552) -> CargoSet<'x> {
553    let package_set = package.to_package_set();
554    let initials = package_set.to_feature_set(filter);
556    CargoSet::new(initials, features_only.clone(), cargo_options).expect("valid cargo options")
559/// A reverse index of if a package is affected -> what else gets marked changed or affected.
561struct ReverseIndex<'g> {
562    // None for the node type represents the "all packages" sentinel value.
563    reverse_index: GraphMap<Option<&'g PackageId>, ReverseIndexEdge, Directed>,
566/// Edges in the reverse index graph.
567#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
568enum ReverseIndexEdge {
569    /// This edge was added as a package rule. This always takes precedence over `CargoBuild`.
570    PackageRule,
571    /// This edge was added through the Cargo build cache.
572    CargoBuild,
575impl<'g> ReverseIndex<'g> {
576    fn new(determinator: &Determinator<'g, '_>, build_cache: &CargoBuildCache<'g>) -> Self {
577        let mut reverse_index = GraphMap::new();
579        let workspace_set =;
581        // First, look at the result cache and add edges based on that.
582        for (id, build_result) in &build_cache.result_cache {
583            reverse_index.extend(
584                build_result
585                    .unified_workspace_set(&workspace_set)
586                    .package_ids(DependencyDirection::Forward)
587                    .map(|dep_id| (Some(dep_id), Some(*id), ReverseIndexEdge::CargoBuild)),
588            );
589        }
591        // Now, look at all the package rules and add anything in them to the reverse index.
592        // IMPORTANT: This comes later so that PackageRule edges overwrite CargoBuild edges.
593        for package_rule in &determinator.rules.package_rules {
594            for on_affected in package_rule
595                .on_affected
596                .package_ids(DependencyDirection::Forward)
597            {
598                match &package_rule.mark_changed {
599                    MarkChangedImpl::Packages(packages) => {
600                        // Add edges from on_affected to mark_changed.
601                        reverse_index.extend(packages.iter().map(|package| {
602                            (
603                                Some(on_affected),
604                                Some(,
605                                ReverseIndexEdge::PackageRule,
606                            )
607                        }));
608                    }
609                    MarkChangedImpl::All => {
610                        // Add an edge to the None/"all" sentinel value.
611                        reverse_index.add_edge(
612                            Some(on_affected),
613                            None,
614                            ReverseIndexEdge::PackageRule,
615                        );
616                    }
617                }
618            }
619        }
621        Self { reverse_index }
622    }
624    fn affected_closure(
625        &self,
626        package_graph: &'g PackageGraph,
627        path_changed: &HashSet<&'g PackageId>,
628        summary_changed: &HashSet<&'g PackageId>,
629    ) -> PackageSet<'g> {
630        // This is a *really* interesting DFS, in that there's one restriction: you can't follow
631        // two CargoBuild edges consecutively. Also, in the initial set, path_changed allows
632        // CargoBuild to be followed once while summary_changed doesn't allow it to be followed.
634        #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
635        enum FollowCargoBuild {
636            Allowed,
637            NotAllowed,
638        }
640        use FollowCargoBuild::*;
642        // The order of what goes in the stack doesn't matter for correctness, but putting Allowed
643        // at the end (and therefore popping it first) lowers the chance of an upgrade re-traversal.
644        let mut stack: Vec<_> = summary_changed
645            .iter()
646            .map(|id| (*id, NotAllowed))
647            .chain(path_changed.iter().map(|id| (*id, Allowed)))
648            .collect();
650        // Do a DFS with two maps, in case there are cycles (can happen with dev deps).
651        let mut discovered = AHashMap::new();
652        let mut finished = HashSet::new();
654        while let Some(&(id, follow)) = stack.last() {
655            let push_neighbors = match discovered.entry(id) {
656                Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
657                    // First time visiting this node. Push neighbors, don't pop the stack.
658                    entry.insert(follow);
659                    true
660                }
661                Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
662                    // This node was seen before.
663                    match (entry.get(), follow) {
664                        (NotAllowed, Allowed) => {
665                            // Upgrade this node to Allowed and push neighbors.
666                            entry.insert(follow);
667                            true
668                        }
669                        _ => {
670                            // Already been fully discovered or just NotAllowed -> NotAllowed, no
671                            // point revisiting it.
672                            false
673                        }
674                    }
675                }
676            };
678            if push_neighbors {
679                for (_, neighbor, &edge) in self.reverse_index.edges(Some(id)) {
680                    if edge == ReverseIndexEdge::CargoBuild && follow == NotAllowed {
681                        // Can't follow two consecutive CargoBuild edges.
682                        continue;
683                    }
684                    match neighbor {
685                        Some(neighbor) => {
686                            let neighbor_follow = match edge {
687                                ReverseIndexEdge::CargoBuild => NotAllowed,
688                                ReverseIndexEdge::PackageRule => Allowed,
689                            };
691                            match (discovered.get(&neighbor), neighbor_follow) {
692                                (None, _) => {
693                                    // Node has not been discovered yet. Add it to the stack to
694                                    // be visited.
695                                    stack.push((neighbor, neighbor_follow))
696                                }
697                                (Some(NotAllowed), Allowed) => {
698                                    // Node was previously discovered with NotAllowed but is
699                                    // now discovered with Allowed. This is an upgrade. Add it to
700                                    // the stack to be visited.
701                                    stack.push((neighbor, neighbor_follow))
702                                }
703                                _ => {}
704                            }
705                        }
706                        None => {
707                            // Build everything, can just exit here.
708                            return package_graph.resolve_workspace();
709                        }
710                    }
711                }
712            } else {
713                stack.pop();
714                finished.insert(id);
715            }
716        }
718        // At the end of this process, finished contains all nodes discovered.
719        package_graph
720            .resolve_ids(finished.iter().copied())
721            .expect("all IDs are valid")
722    }