Module highlighters

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This module provides a trait for creating custom syntax highlighters that highlight Diagnostic source code with ANSI escape sequences when rendering with the GraphicalReportHighlighter.

It also provides built-in highlighter implementations that you can use out of the box. By default, there are no syntax highlighters exported by miette (except for the no-op BlankHighlighter). To enable support for specific highlighters, you should enable their associated feature flag.

Currently supported syntax highlighters and their feature flags:

  • syntect-highlighter - Enables syntect syntax highlighting support via the [SyntectHighlighter]


The default syntax highlighter. It applies Style::default() to input text. This is used by default when no syntax highlighting features are enabled.
The default highlighter state. It applies Style::default() to input text. This is used by default when no syntax highlighting features are enabled.


A syntax highlighter for highlighting miette SourceCode snippets.
A stateful highlighter that incrementally highlights lines of a particular source code.